The Campidoglio, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill
You’ll never forget your first time. You’ll be walking around or cruising in a cab from the airport. Then you’ll see The Colosseu, the Arco di Tito and the entire stunning array of jaw-dropping victory and devastation. It’s the perfect place to let your imagination go wild. A woman rattling tambourines during torch-lit processions chariots hauling the tanned, muscular men wearing togas towards the baths.
Temples of goddesses, as well as tombs of Empresses along with churches, are dedicated to the Mary. The Virgin Mary is all waiting to be found in the thousands of years of history around you. It’s difficult to take the entire history in one sitting. It is the best option since not many of the ruins and sculptures are identified. You can also just walk around and let yourself be swept away by your dreams. Here are some locations where women are the center of attention:
The Campidoglio
The Michelangelo-designed piazza is a perfect place to begin, where Minerva (just behind Marcus Aurelius) sits on a throne holding her mighty spear. On the left and right of her, there are Capitoline Museums, packed with statues of the characters that used to roam the region around you.
Within the Palazzo Nuovo (museum to the left of Minerva) go to the first-floor corridor to view The Capitoline Venus. The statue is set in a sunny niche, dressed in the form of Venus Pudica, with one hand placed over her breasts, the other one covering her Cupid’s enclosure.
It’s true that she’s modest, but she’s also playful like she’s saying: “Look what I’m hiding” Venus was the goddess who was flittering between passion and passion. Her husband was Vulcan, However; even the top couple’s counselor could not have kept this beautiful woman from the death, rage, and cripples.
Venus was involved in hot affairs with Mars as well as the gorgeous Adonis and hid as a human to engage in a romantic relationship with men she liked. Each year, she bathed in the same seat where she was born, to renew her virginity. In the same hall, you’ll find an image of the Roman Woman Dressed.
As Venus barely dressed, proving how much Romans were a part of the goddess. A Roman woman breaks free of the Modest Venus posture, standing proudly naked with her hand placed on the hip. To have a good laugh, farther down the hallway, take a look at The Drunken Old Woman, who’s lying in a chair with a smug smile, drinking an ice-cold glass of wine.

The Roman Forum
In the ongoing archaeological excavations, there is located the Temple of the Vestal Virgins which is now a series of pillars adorned with the remnants of statues for females. It is believed that the Cult of Vesta goddess who was the goddess of Hearth and home, is among the oldest of the world’s ancient cults. Many believe that the cult is present in modern Italy in the famiglia, which is the mainstay of the country.
The advantage for the Vestals in the days when women did not enjoy the same freedoms as men and freedom, was that they could be able to move around whenever they wanted and enjoy advantages all over towns such as seats in special concerts and games. However, the downside was that If they let the flame of Vesta’s out, they’d be punished with a flogging or if they engaged in sexual relations with someone, they’d be killed alive.

The Palatine Hill
When you ascend from the Forum and up to this beautiful and tranquil spot in which Romulus (great-grandson of Venus) decided to establish the city. It later became the Beverly Hills of Ancient Rome in which noble palaces were constructed. In the 16th century, the Farnese family began to create gardens here where you can walk through the rows of boxwood plants along with cypress trees, and rose and laurel bushes and take in stunning views of the city below.
For the palaces and the palace of Augustus, The Home of Augustus can be currently accessible to visitors, however, be prepared to stand in a long line to visit the emperor’s frescos, in the event that you visit before the museum opens. The house of his wife Livia is being restored however, the Palatine remains a wonderful spot to reminisce about the glorious times that were Livia and Augustus who were the rulers of Rome for 45 years, brought Rome to its Golden Age.
In 39 B.C. in the year following the assassination of Julius Caesar, Livia was a gorgeous 19-year-old who was married to the younger Tiberius Claudius Nero. She was also expecting an infant. Then Octavius came, an emerging star on the battlefield who was married to an unborn wife.