Well, in life, we have to be present and powerful. A disease is poisoning what should be a divinely inspired experience of freedom, stealing joy from people throughout the world. The current moment is haunted by its absence. The lives and bodies of too many people have been checked out. They do not understand their current responsibilities, nor are they attuned to the energy and circumstances around them.
Their lack of reverence and awe for the blessings around them suggests that they would rather be somewhere else, mentally living in distant time zones, hours behind or ahead of this joyous tick and bliss. So, their souls appear a world away, their lives are unaccounted for and lived, and their life force dissipates.
Many people appear to be lost in the abyss of unawareness. In distraction, the mind trapped in mindless hinterlands are revealed by the hollow and glazed eyes of so many. While they are not sleeping, they are not awake, alert, or purposeful.
In Life, We Have To Be Present and Powerful
In life, we have to be present and powerful. A disease is poisoning what should be a divinely inspired experience of freedom, stealing joy from people throughout the world. Source
There is no center of energy to be found, no sense of grounding, and no vibrant feeling for now when they are buzzed out on coffee. Life isn’t meant to be a series of unfocused and unfelt experiences. We are not to live like zombies and slaves, like insentient animals trapped in dumbness, helplessness, and mindlessness. The duties of life or the dreams in our hearts should not take precedence over our loved ones and the duties of life.
We must decide to bring our conscious mind to bear on the present experience if we wish to be free and alive. In order to feel again, we must choose to do so. It is imperative that we sense this life. Our lives can only be lived now if we remember what we love in life. Currently, we have everything we need with us, right here, right now. It is now ours to enjoy all the true riches of life—passion, joy, satisfaction, and harmony—if we awaken and order them.
There is also all that we seek to become here; we can choose what role we want to play and how we will direct life’s energies in each moment. When we direct our awareness and power in everything we do, discontent will disappear and energetic energy will return. The vibrancy we experience will be unfathomable to the majority of men and women on this planet. As a result, let us make the following declaration: We shall face life with power and presence.
Read More: A Life Jewel