What is the intention of the divine? There can be no greater act of courage and freedom than to open one’s heart to and release love. Among us, there are very few who are able to have such a divine intention or be so courageous with such consistency. The fate of those who represent us must, however, differ from that of those who represent bitterness, weakness, or inattentiveness. Those who wish to reach the heights of greatness will need to release a stunning amount of love into the world if they hope to be great individuals.
Our life should be defined by love and we should choose to live it accordingly. In the course of our daily lives, let us look into each others’ eyes and send the following message through our thoughts and deeds: I wish you only joy and love in every way. But let us also remember that love is more than a gesture that we intend to send to others when we live in the realm of the human.
In the absence of an actual demonstration of active caring and regard for another person, we are unable to give or sense human love—divine love for that matter. Thus, in order to manifest love for or from another, we must not only be able to perceive it through intent but also through action – as it is all around us.
There is no such thing as love based on thinking; love is based on giving. The choices we make every day of our lives have a great impact on what kinds of individuals we will be, how we will interact with the world, and what kinds of people we will be in the future. There is the possibility of meeting others without intending to do so or caring about them. There is also the option of meeting them with disregard and bitterness as an alternative.
The other option is to meet them with deeply loving intent and fire in our hearts, a full and vibrant energy that reminds them once again that this world is full of love, divinity, and an abundance of spirituality. In the end, it will be our choice that will determine the quality of our lives, the depth of our relationships, and the hope of our human family that determines the quality of our lives. Read More – 30 Rules to Live Happily
What is the intention of the divine? There can be no greater act of courage and freedom than to open one's heart to and release love.
What is the intention of the divine? There can be no greater act of courage and freedom than to open one’s heart to and release love. Source