After the linen covering surrounding King Tutankhamun’s mummy was removed, an extremely rare historical archive picture was taken, revealing the young monarch’s mask on his face. In addition to providing a visual record of Carter’s revolutionary discovery, this historical shot bridges the divide between the past and present by allowing viewers in the present to relate to the great significance of Tutankhamun’s legacy.
It makes its first appearance in the outside world following its discovery. Harry Porter, an American photographer, captured the image while traveling with archaeologist Howard Carter when he found the tomb in 1922 AD. An important turning point in the excavation of Tutankhamun’s tomb was the removal of the linen shroud covering the mummy, which revealed mysteries lost to time. Porter’s camera expertly conveyed the mixture of astonishment, reverence, and expectancy that surrounded the reveal. Read More: Image captured moments before a massive explosion
Rare Picture of King Tutankhamun’s Mummy
A rare picture of King Tutankhamun’s mummy. Photo Credit: © Egyptian Archives