It motivates us to see ourselves progressing. Understanding this law completely is another important step. It is always more motivating to see ourselves progress, move forward and achieve when we see our progress. In the event of a reversal of our progress, we will be demotivated.
Obviously, this is common sense, as are so many of these laws. However, common sense isn’t quite as common as we may think! Several years after property values had increased in the United Kingdom, they declined, with some parts of the country seeing a 50% drop.
Most valuable possessions of homeowners with mortgages suddenly had negative equity. It was often referred to as the ‘feelgood factor’ when house prices were rising, and the nation was buoyant. Negative equity and de-motivation followed the drop in house prices. It is common for us to reflect on the past year between important events throughout the year.
The New Year will be filled with greater enthusiasm if we have made progress in reducing the mortgage, saving a little, or perhaps getting promoted.A less than stellar year might make us approach the future with some uncertainty and less motivation, on the other hand.By learning from mistakes made and experiences understood, we can turn the past (which we cannot change) to our advantage.
Thus, in business, leaders will find areas of improvement and share them with their people, focusing on the progress rather than dwelling on the negatives.The bankruptcy process has brought tremendous peace of mind to many people I’ve met. When bankruptcy occurs, the devastating period of desperation and worry is over.It’s only a matter of time before they go back up again.
Moreover, de-motivation is caused by the fear of what else can go wrong. It is a human characteristic that we are more motivated when we see ourselves making progress. When we see ourselves moving forward, whether in our businesses, hobbies, sports, or interests, we just want to keep going. Feelgood factor is experienced. It is the leaders’ responsibility to keep their employees informed of any progress made.
Leaders re-emphasize points or activities that the team is making progress on during tough times. Maintaining a high level of motivation requires using, working on, managing, and planning this law. Thus, motivates us to see ourselves progressing is a true law.
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