Many of today’s worriers (Those who worry) are the biggest threats to inflaming our fears. Because they often appear to be our friends, they are the most likely to steal our motivation and destiny. The anxiety they experience can bleed onto us because we are so close to them. We need to learn to control our reactions when around them. There aren’t many unkind people among worriers. No one knows how much fear those who worry impose on our lives or how their incessant doubts stifle our potential. In their argument for us to be safe, they don’t realize that they cause treachery.
It’s the loving mother who says, “Be careful, honey,” every time her child goes about the normal activities of childhood; the coworker who gives ten reasons why we might get in trouble but does not mention how we can change the world; the lover who incessantly fears we as a couple are going to fail and keeps urging us to back down from a fight or from taking any risks.
They believe themselves to be thoughtful, loving, and protective. Most of the time, they deliver cautious words with love in their hearts. Their goal is for us to be happy. We are directed toward well-worn paths they understand because they feel a duty to protect us from harm. This group comprises parents, friends, colleagues, lovers, neighbors, and leaders. We live in an awkward social reality:

Those who care for us as well as those who openly oppose us must protect us from being limited. Is there anything that can be done? Doubt, anxiety, and worry must be heard with great sensitivity, and we should not let other people’s fears influence our own decisions. As a conscious individual, developing this kind of acuity is easy since most worriers use the same language and argumentation – cautioned reason is their shield of choice. They all use the same matter-of-fact tone and phrases:
Don’t get hurt; be careful.
Don’t take any chances; you never know what might happen.
You might be fired, forgotten, rejected, hated, scorned, detested, picked on.
Would you like to go ahead with that?
That wouldn’t be a good idea.
The way you are isn’t like that.
This isn’t possible.
You’re not really into that.
All of this has been said before, haven’t we? Every one of us knows someone adept at crafting eloquent arguments for why we shouldn’t be too loud, too crazy, or take too many leaps into the unknown. Our lives are filled with these calm and convincing people who explain how taking risks or trying to be different, creative, alive, or bold may lead to injury, embarrassment, or exhaustion. There is no callousness evident here.
Their belief is that they are doing their duty. The way they protect us seems to be motherly and judicious. The goodwill friend may masquerade as a saboteur of dreams, but beware. What number of souls have failed to soar due to the worry of a loved one? A constant state of worry can quickly limit our potential and who we might be if we are not vigilant. We may want to ask ourselves, then, what we can do when our caring family and friends unintentionally limit our vision or ambition?
Since they may not be aware of their insidious effect, we should be generous in our interpretations of their concerns. There is no need to harbor ill feelings toward these worrywarts; they deserve patience and understanding because they may be caught up in a mindset that favors aversion over ascension.
Let them be ruled by fear if they must, but don’t join them. Our only option is to listen carefully to those we trust and to be sober when estimating actual danger. However, we must close our minds to those we do not know and do not know us, those who want us to stay in their bubble of belief about who we are and how far we can go in life. The small thinking of others must be forgiven and a vaster horizon must be seen beyond it.
If we consistently express ourselves authentically and pursue our true passions, we should not be concerned with what might go wrong, but rather wonder what magnificence might enter our lives. Instead of obsessing about fear, let’s focus on freedom. In life, there cannot be any tolerance for worriers.
This is the same conclusion reached by all great men and women. Those who repeatedly instill fear in us, regardless of their good intentions, cannot be given prolonged consideration. Motivating and demoralizing people are demotivated by it. Even though it might bring some sorrow and sacrifice, we must follow our dreams when they become vivid and enliven us. In order to succumb to oppression, we must not let other people’s anxieties impede our drive. We should let down thinking of those who worry.
Read More – Freedom – The Doubts About It