Positive success is a key element in everyone’s life. Advancement in life is the result of a positive and necessary view of progress and the success, achievements, influence, and powers that come from it. Positive success and its consequent powers are often mistakenly seen as corrupting, especially by those on the sidelines.
Despite their unconscious expectations, the doomed expect negative outcomes from advancement, even if they are unaware of them. Their secret belief is that all this striving for achievement must lead to a hell on earth where virtue will cede the field to vice and they will be forced to compromise themselves or sell out.
Positive success and power are thought to make us rotten; friends and family will be abandoned as we ascend; and money will replace memories. The higher one climbs, the lonelier and more miserable one becomes; success breeds selfishness; there is never fulfillment, only the constant desire for more.
Countless sad and misinformed beliefs lead them to believe that positive success must bear only bitter fruit. What is the source of such opinions? As a starting point, these assumptions are based on a scarcity-driven and jealous mind. We all know that there are small-minded people among us who dislike, distrust, or hate those who succeed in life, believing that for one to win, another must lose.