The global Coronavirus epidemic has engulfed the entire world. Conditions around the world are changing at lightning speed. This global epidemic has devastated the entire world economy and its terror has caused a commotion among the people everywhere. Millions have lost their lives and millions have fallen victim to it. But it cannot be said that the epidemic has reached its climax. The death toll is rising by 20 to 30 percent every day.
There is currently no vaccine and no one has an effective plan to control the situation. Powerful countries of the world have also laid down their arms against this dangerous virus. The World Health Organization has declared it a medical emergency. The governments of the country are issuing orders to take various precautionary measures under the guidance of health experts to prevent this.
In view of which Pakistan Lockdown is enforced all over the world including Markets, educational institutions, factories, transport and all kinds of economic activities have been canceled and people have been confined to their homes. Due to this emergency lockdown, all the citizens are facing immense difficulties.
Especially the working class and the poor, whose daily routine depended on daily wages, were most affected by it, and it was time for famine. It seems that this deadly virus has come to make the poor even poorer. People living in slums are forced to say that death from the corona is not certain but if the situation remains the same, they will starve to death.
Lockdown has cut off the livelihood of these poor people who are now starving with poverty. Hunger is a disease that robs a person of the distinction between halal and haraam, pure and impure. Therefore, a tribute to those who do not lose patience and face difficult situations in a brave way. Do it boldly but it is a fact that hunger is very difficult to bear. The bitter and cruel reality of the universe is hunger. Hunger is a great evil.
Humans, birds, and living beings are helpless in the face of their hunger. That is why the recent lockdown in the face of the coronavirus has made hunger a major problem for the poor and vulnerable. Although the government claims to provide food to the poor and needy people. This process could not be ensured, which is why people are worried. As Muslims, we have a duty to help the poor and needy around us, regardless of religion.
Feed the hungry, which has been declared the most pleasing deed in the sight of the Almighty, and this is the central point in the teachings of the system of life which was made available to mankind through the Prophet of the End Times. That hunger is very difficult to bear. The bitter and cruel reality of the universe is hunger. Hunger is a great evil.
As Muslims, we have a duty to help the poor and needy around us, regardless of religion. Feed the hungry, which has been declared the most pleasing deed in the sight of the Allah Almighty, and this is the central point in the teachings of the system of life which was made available to mankind through the Prophet of the End Times.
The Allah Almighty said, “And they feed the poor and the orphan and the prisoner out of love for Him.”
Islam is not just a collection of certain acts of worship such as fasting, prayer, Hajj, and Umrah, but these rights and entitlements. There is a beautiful combination of worship. And the importance of rights of worship in Islam has been explained more than the importance of rights. That is why Islam taught the world of humanity mutual brotherhood, love, compassion, and service.
Helping, assisting, caring for, and comforting the needy, the poor, the orphans, and the needy is the basic teaching of religion and Islam. Helping others, cooperating with them, providing them with the necessities of daily life has been described by religion and Islam as a recipe for reward and pleasing one’s Lord.
In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“It is better for you to make your believing brother happy or to pay his debt or to feed him.”