The power of love can transform division and defiance’s third serpent head ensures we suffer alone as if waiting and worry weren’t enough misery. As a result, our blood runs cold and our behavior is poisoned by the venom of separation. Distancing ourselves from others, being intolerant, or hating them is the result of it. We feel superior, stronger, or inferior to others when we feel different, special, or stronger than them. Compared with its cousins, this demon seems to have a greater sense of self-assuredness and sinister intent.
The head resembles a jet-black snake with no eyes. It aims to make us blind to other people’s good intentions, shredding our humanity. The division will be its name. The reason for a sickening society is division, which attacks our hearts. It is division that keeps us from feeling vulnerable or loving toward one another. The same goes for whenever we feel others are idiots, inadequate, or unworthy of trust or respect.
As well as judging others, we can also sense it when we are unable to feel the power of love for them or see oneness with them.
As well as judging others, we can also sense it when we are unable to feel the power of love for them or see oneness with them. Source
Moreover, we suffer from social anxiety and intolerance due to division – loneliness, disconnection, fear, and anger toward others are the results of its poisons corrupting our minds.We no longer see each other’s humanity when we objectify, dismiss, or disregard another individual’s values and rights as they are. Division lacks empathy and sympathy for others, its ultimate victory is when we no longer see one another’s humanity.
Various dark stains on humankind’s history are attributed to it in its ugliest form, such as wars, rapes, and brutality. Nevertheless, impatience, contempt, and withdrawal are the most common manifestations of this demon in everyday life. Our bodies are contaminated with toxins that lead us to feel high-minded and pretentious, as if we should be above, and above, others; as if we are somehow superior to our brothers, sisters, friends, and colleagues.
Using criticism, nitpicking, disparaging remarks, and wrath, we relate to those more powerful or weaker than ourselves. As well as judging others, we can also sense it when we are unable to feel the power of love for them or see oneness with them. Mothers with astonishing daughters not seeing anything but their flaws, impatient bosses who think everyone is stupid and slow, and men who cannot love because they are just too strange and different. Hence, division’s poison consists of antisocial venom that runs through us and obscures the innate emotional, social, and spiritual intelligence that would otherwise lead us to unconditional love.
The division of our relationships is the great destroyer of social ills, the breeder of all indifference, and the cause of all aloofness and indifference toward others. Even if we had the inner strength and resolve to banish doubt and delay from our lives, our destiny would still fail if we allowed Division to take its course.
When faith and action are not supported by social care and connection, they become corrupted or ineffective. Confident and successful, he ends up alone and regretful, triumphant in achievement, but left behind the wreckage of failed relationships and marriages. Rather than finding sisterhood among her peers, our heroine finds jealousy and bitterness. In the absence of connection and compassion for others, the child shuts down, becomes violent, and ends up in prison. Is there anything that can be done? To cure all evils and pains, to fuel humanity’s hope, strength, and joy, we must inject into our lives the strongest antivenom mankind has ever known:
Division can be overcome by love, that is flowing through our veins, its warmth floods the chasms between us, sweeping away the debris of judgment, anger, and hatred.Our power of love increases as we open the floodgates.Whenever we open our hearts to love, we wash away all the chemicals of evil and discord, as well as the inner serpent of solitude.Are there any people we have avoided or mistreated because of division?
Hence, in order to avoid being deemed unlovable, unworthy, or different, what parts of ourselves have we shut down? Such questions must be answered and resolved by individuals who are mature and aware. It is a blessing to know that power of love is inherent in our nature, which makes it the most abundant resource in the universe, for it creates and lives in everything. The only thing we need to do now is allow it to enter our lives again and direct it toward others.
It lives within us as well as beyond us, unlike faith and action, which are choices we make. In all that we see and sense, we can sense love, the divine’s cosmic thread. We recognize our oneness as we follow and pull from this common thread. As we journey back to love, we can see that we are all composed of the same purity, fighting the same demons, marching in our own ways to our own freedoms, and battling the same demons. The healing process is completed by love.
Keep in mind, that without love, we cannot be strong. We can have all the faith and action in the world. Mind it, the power of faith comes from love, from the courage to take action we would never take for ourselves. The last impulse of defiance is vanquished when love springs from our hearts unfiltered. Our inner demons can only be cured by the power of love.
The power of love can transform division and defiance's third serpent head ensures we suffer alone as if waiting and worry weren't enough misery.
The power of love can transform division and defiance’s third serpent head ensures we suffer alone as if waiting and worry weren’t enough misery. Source
Read More – We Must Expect and Honor the Struggle