By understanding the motivation behind our actions, and helping victims get out of victimhood, we are freed from victimhood and can move toward freedom. We can now bring motivation to life at any time, and we can teach others how to do it as well: Choose an ambition and assertively believe that it is possible.
Motivate yourself by giving constant attention to your dreams, and it will last for a long time. Encourage your motivation by demonstrating a positive attitude and creating a supportive environment around you as you strive for great things. Cultivating motivation becomes willed rather than a lucky feeling with such practices.
By making these choices over time, we will feel empowered, stronger, and more capable of dealing with life’s ups and downs. In the absence of such practices, we fall prey to our impulses and become slaves of laziness and fear. Due to our inability to rouse ourselves or break free, we fall prey to others and to circumstances. It doesn’t take long for us to become unmotivated victims, and nothing can deaden the soul’s energies like feeling victimized. Therefore, we have a message for those who are aimless and unmotivated:
It is said that I am waiting for someone or something to motivate me.
It is only from within that motivation can be summoned.
I’m not motivated, they say; I’m just unmotivated.
An intention or will of a free and conscious mind is what motivates, not an impulse or a personality trait.
I’m told that I’ll be more motivated and work harder if I have more autonomy, responsibility, and pay in my job.
As a result, you do not have more pay, autonomy, and responsibility if you haven’t been motivated. Motivation comes from effort, and reward comes from motivation.
My motivation is being killed by the people around me, they say.
No matter who surrounds you, motivation is an imperishable and inexorable force that cannot be denied, diminished, or killed by others. Your desire for it makes it exist within you. Motivation each day is born, lives, and dies according to your own actions.
There haven’t been any major life experiences that have motivated me, like a lucky break or an event that shaped my purpose in life.
There is no lucky lightning bolt of inspiration that strikes when purpose strikes. It is up to us to choose our motivation and purpose. Motivating yourself is as simple as choosing to be more ambitious, more optimistic, and believing you can achieve your goals. It takes constant effort and attention to keep that motivation alive.
There are times when I just feel lazy, they say.
You can choose to feel something else instead. It is possible to choose laziness just as you can choose any other feeling. Laziness will lead to a life littered with regrets and ruled by impulse for the long term. You can only become free and great when you choose to energize yourself and go out into the world, discover who you are, grow, and realize your dreams.
A Glorified and Enlarged Life
The ability to be aware, to utilize our full mental faculties as humans, and to direct our own minds and motives are things that give us personal power. Our motivation should never be neglected, and we should devote ourselves to mastering it every day. Nothing is more vital than this, since we create our destiny in the millions of in-the-moment decisions we make throughout our lives, whether driven by a motivated mind that bends toward Personal Freedom or pushed by our default impulses that bend toward fear.
Freedom or fear wins. When motivation is alive, life is enlarged and glorified. Let’s ignite our souls once again with an ambitious fire. Keep a positive attitude, pay close attention, and put in constant effort to ignite this energy. We must act effectively in shaping the social and physical environments of our lives. Our vitality will amplify when we are diligent and successful, and our life will magnify as if a divine light is bursting through, signalling to the world and destiny that we are here, that it is our time, that we are ready for helping victims get out of victimhood