A Route to Healing From Suffering – Love is the only way to overcome pain and hurt. Love is always the most direct route out of suffering. Since love itself was never capable of being confined, the walls of protection that we constructed were useless-they protected nothing but perhaps our bruised egos. It may have been possible to keep out the villains with high barricades, but only at the expense of angels and lovers.
We have only prevented love from flowing freely and abundantly into and out of our lives. Self-protection often prevents us from achieving what we want. It is worth repeating once more: our diminished concepts of love have nothing to do with real love. Despite all that has changed, love remains divine, ever-present, abundant, flowing, and accessible to all. Except in our own minds, it cannot be diminished.
The concept of love has never stopped being a gift that can be shared and received at any time. The love we are experiencing at this moment has the potential to heal and nurture in a way that may never be matched by any other time in history. I urge you not to be afraid of the fact that it will one day disappear. Throughout the course of time, love does not wane in strength.
As far as the universe and humankind are concerned, it always has been, and will always be, the ever-present unifying force that shapes both. It is important to recognize that to open up to love once again, we must act on the knowledge that it was me who diminished love in the first place, and let go of the idea that others have to make amends for their past wrongdoings. Rather than rekindle old hurts or resent them, we must work towards resolving them once and for all.
Fire and treasure cannot be discovered there. Avenging our injuries is no longer necessary. In the ocean of love and happiness, let us bind up the wounds of yesterday. We cannot allow false mental constructs about how our love was diminished or broken to remain in our minds. We need to reframe love as something that exists independently and abundantly in the world, regardless of our own shortcomings or the selfishness of others. Read More –Â The Definition of Happiness