True Friends are Great Blessing of Allah. Man’s heart is naturally born with a spirit of happiness and contentment. Relationships are found in life. But there is a human relationship in which “life” meets and that relationship is “friendship”. Every relationship in life has its own need and importance. Just as the thirst for water cannot be satisfied with any blessing of the world, so the lack of friends cannot be satisfied by the comforts of wealth.
Proof of this is the fun and happiness that man gets from sitting with his friends in the canteen eating snacks and wheelbarrows, softballs like snowballs and cotton cheeks, but the city of five or seven stars. You can’t sit alone and eat in the most expensive and best dishes of the biggest hotels.
Friendship is a basic need of human life. In a purposeful life, the existence of a good and reliable friend is inevitable, so who is the real friend? True friends are never apart. A true friend is one who takes care of his friends and companionship on these occasions:
  1. In harshness and incalls and lift you up.
  2. In the absence of a friend. Life is better with true friends.
  3. And at the time of his death.
Friendship and camaraderie are valued when they are enduring and true. That is why if he abides by the principles of philanthropy, he is considered the best brother for a friend, and even better, closer and more reliable than a brother. “A friend is one with whom you can talk openly whenever you want.
Friends understand each other’s sorrows and feel each other’s pain in their hearts.” There is a friend who loves his brother more.” These words were written about 3,000 years ago. From that time until today, human nature has not changed. Friendship is as important to man as eating and drinking. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
The religion of Islam has placed great emphasis on friendship and making friends, but at the same time, it has forbidden such friends and companionships on which man faces remorse and regret. In friendship, a person needs to keep many things in mind, such as: with whom to make friends? How to make friends to what extent? Why make friends? what are the rights of a friend?
The first thing is that if we have doubts about someone’s personality and we can’t decide what kind of person he is? And what are his morals and character? So on such an occasion, we should look at the person’s friends to see who are in his circle of friends. The second important thing is that it is better to be alone than a bad friend. ۔
Someone asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Who is the best friend? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The person whose sight makes you think of Allah, whose speech enhances your knowledge and whose character refreshes the idea of ​​the Hour in you.
Hazrat Ali R.A says the reason is that in the time of your incapacity, your true friends are recognized. In Surah Al-Furqan of the Holy Qur’an, it is said: When I came, I did not follow the advice that came to me. ”Tomorrow, on the Day of Judgment, there will be many people whose failures and misguidance’s have become their friends. They will regret their choice and they will join hands and say, “I wish I had not befriended such.”
The best friends are the ones who teach us to fight the dark and ugly realities of this world like springs. We have the ability to correct our mistakes and to sincerely advise us on how to improve our behavior. Because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Man follows the religion of his friend.” May Allah grant us a best friend? Give us the courage to be the best friends and protect our friends. And make the friends of the world follow the paths of Paradise so that we may be there together. Read More – Admit Your Old Age and Your Guilt
True Friends
Concept of True Friends, African man, an Asian man shaking hands with happiness and smile. Photo Credit – Nick Notas