Sad Cheating Quotes for WhatsApp Status. WhatsApp is used by everyone in their daily lives. It is a compulsory phone tool to use for sharing images, voice messages, and videos. However, an important feature of sharing your thoughts through WhatsApp status?  Trust is a priceless feeling which isn’t easy to build. It takes years to achieve trust. Never break it until your death. Don’t cheat anyone; if the feelings aren’t there, then you shouldn’t be either. These sad cheating quotes are ideal to think about millions of times.
  • Sleeping alone is better than sharing your bed with someone who shares a bed with someone else when you are not around.
  • If you succeed in cheating someone, then don’t think that the person is a fool. Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved.
  • I’m a good enough person to forgive you. But I am not stupid enough to trust you again.
  • If you cheat on someone who is willing to do anything for you, you actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty.
  • Cheating to a good man is like throwing away a diamond in the pond, and picking up a solid waste rock.
  • Cheat on a nice lady and karma makes sure you end up with the bitch you deserve.
  • I tried hard to keep us together, but you were busy keeping secrets.
  • Cheating in the trust is like a paper, once you crumble, it can’t be perfect again.
  • She’s broken because she’s believed.
  • A real man doesn’t have time to cheat, because he is too busy providing, all of which a nice woman deserves.
  • Mind it, Cheating is a choice, not a mistake
  • If another woman steals your man, there is no better revenge than letting her keep him. A real man can’t be stolen.
  • Men cheat because they’re horny; women cheat because they are unhappy.
  • People don’t cheat because they don’t respect their partners. They cheat because they don’t respect themselves.
  • A cheater is good as to lie and is bad as truth. We are all cheated by someone in love with our youth.
  • Your love is fake, but my pain is real.
  • People cheat and lie because it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission.
  • Thank you, my dear friend, for making me brave by cheating on me.
  • Fake friends show their true colors when they don’t need you anymore. Be Aware.
  • You knew what were you doing and you knew, it would hurt me but somehow that still didn’t stop you.
  • And you are always end up with Mr. Wrong
  • If you don’t cheat with your wife, then you are just another no-good husband in the world.
  • When you cheat with your wife, you just don’t break a heart, even you break a future.
  • If you love someone, you don’t cheat. If you want to cheat, set him free.
  • If you cheat with your partner, then trust will decrease. It means something wrong has increased.
  • People generally don’t cheat in a good relationship.
  • If you had enough time to cheat, you had enough time to think about it.
  • If your love is real, It doesn’t lie, pretend, or keep secrets.
  • A mistake is an accident; cheating and lying are not mistakes. They are intentional choices, stop hiding behind the word mistake, when you get caught.
  • If a guy cheats on another girl for you, he is more likely to cheat on you for somebody else. As they always say, once a cheater,  always a cheater.
  • No doubt, cheating is easy; try something more challenging, like being faithful.
  • Cheating is a choice, not a mistake, and loyalty is a responsibility, not a choice.
  • She considered herself a widow when found her husband disloyal.
  • If you are in a loyal relationship, flirting is cheating
  • Beat others and be the best, but never cheat.
  • A husband cheating his wife, actually cheating with the whole family.
  • One can earn money by cheating, but never hearts.
  • People are born innocent, but the situation turns them into cheaters.
  • We can cheat others, but we can’t die.
  • I cheat everyone; I live a tough life.
  • Anyone can cheat; it takes a real man to be faithful.
  • I would prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating.
  • Cheaters want you to be faithful while they’re being unfaithful.
Sad Cheating Quotes for WhatsApp Status. These days, WhatsApp is used by everyone in their daily life. It is a compulsory phone tool to use for sharing...
Sad Cheating Quotes for WhatsApp Status. These days, WhatsApp is used by everyone in their daily life. It is a compulsory phone tool to use for sharing… Read More – Sad Quotes About Life