A breakthrough in life is simply the letting through of higher energy, most commonly love. The bright beams of love may once more shine through us when we tear down the walls of worry and hurt. Our hearts can be permanently burned by a small ray of love from another. It often only takes a small ray of love to open up our hearts.
As soon as we are released from the confines of our pasts, no longer hunched in pain, we will be able to stand upright with open eyes, able to perceive once more the divine, loving energy within others, no matter how buried they may be under their fears and pains. As soon as we become aware of this, life brightens, the full spectrum of colors returns to our emotional skies, and a divine fire burns within us once again, driving us to feel cared for, connected to, and to live. Our brothers and sisters have the capacity to see beyond their faults and to love them despite the faults that they have.
If you have an impatient spouse, you can show compassion to them. The ability to find understanding for a colleague when they are struggling can be a great help to them. Once again, all humanity has the opportunity to be loved. The hardened cynic will dismiss this talk of love’s rebirth and redirection with the same degree of predictability that he dismissed the first. In the event that he persists in doing so, he will remain powerless, puny, and unable to make a meaningful contribution to the world if he continues to do that.
It is in his rejection of love that he undermines his ability to transcend himself, to do social good, and to influence others in a positive way. The only thing to look forward to for those who criticize the power of love is misery since they will be thrown away as irrelevant and unwanted relics of a time gone by when humanity was trapped in the fear of its own existence.
The power of love reverberating through our hearts can energize and enliven those around us with startling power when it resounds through our souls. It is our ability to be filled with this energy that makes us beautiful to everyone, even to those who are so consumed by themselves that they cannot see what is right in front of them when we are filled with it.
The power of this energy affords us access to every human ability to create connections with each other, including the ability to care, be patient, be thoughtful, be kind, be compassionate, and be empathic. In addition to that, we are also empowered to lead, since it activates the one virtue we need as humans in order to unite and the courage of our hearts. Read More – Criticism That Motivates
A breakthrough in life is simply the letting through of higher energy, most commonly love. The bright beams of love may once more shine through us when we tear down the walls of worry and hurt.
A breakthrough in life is simply the letting through of higher energy, most commonly love. The bright beams of love may once more shine through us when we tear down the walls of worry and hurt. Source