The birth of a human being is precious, we have to realize and ponder the reality. All that exists is breathing, waking, and turning it into song. Ancient precepts urge us to be cognizant of how uncommon it is to be in human form on Earth.
Seeing life through this lens gives us the opportunity to appreciate our existence as individuals with consciousness, drinking water, and chopping wood. It asks us to observe ants, antelopes, worms, butterflies, dogs, castrated bulls, hawks, wild lonely tigers, oaks trees that are hundred years old, as well as oceans thousands of years old.
Only we are capable of having the same level of realization as all other forms of life. As the Earth is made up of an eternal variety of plants, animals, and minerals, only a very small portion has the spirit of wakefulness we call humanity.
We are precious human beings because we are capable of rising from some depth of awareness to express ourselves to you and we are capable of receiving each other in this very moment. It is possible that you were an ant. My life could have been like that of an anteater.
It could have been raining if you were there. It would have been fine if I had been a lick of salt. It was a blessing to be human beings at this time and place, alive in ways we often take for granted. To summarize, human birth is one of the most precious things in the world. Knowing that you are one of the rarest forms of life on Earth, what will you do today?