Drinking Poetry
  • The thirsty earth soaks up the rain.
  • And drinks, and gapes for drink again;
  • The plants suck in the earth and are:
  • With constant drinking, fresh and fair,
  • The sea itself (which one would think
  • Should have but little need of drink)
  • Drinks ten thousand rivers up,
  • So filled that they overflow the cup.
  • The busie sun (and one would guess
  • By’s drunken, fiery face no less.
  • Drinks up the sea, and when he ’as done,
  • The moon and stars drink up the sun.
  • They drink and dance by their own light.
  • They drink and revel all night.
  • Nothing in Nature’s sober found,
  • But an eternal “health” goes around.
  • Fill up the bowl, then fill it high.
  • Fill all the glasses there; for why?
  • Should every creature drink but me?
  • Why, man of morals, tell me why?
Source: Anacreon (Greek). Translation of Abraham Cowlex
Drinking poetry
Drinking poetry. Source
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