The process of managing performance includes formal review meetings. The purpose of performance reviews is to provide feedback, to hear from employees about their jobs, and to plan for improvements in performance or activities. This is based on the learning and development needs identified during the review. Based on events and observations, the feedback will summarize and draw conclusions from what has happened since the last review.
There should have been no surprises during the formal discussion since these should have been brought up at the time. It is recommended that a review be conducted as a dialogue between the two parties in which they exchange comments, ideas, and plans.
Conversations should focus on analyzing and reviewing the significant points arising from the period under discussion. An individual’s behavior should be taken into consideration when reviewing their performance. There is no abstraction in it; it is concrete. As part of the evaluation process, success will be recognized and failures will be identified so that lessons can be learned for the future. Both parties should be involved in the process. Self-assessment may, therefore, be involved.
Performance reviews provide an ideal opportunity for discussing work issues away from the daily hustle and bustle of the workplace. Providing a means of recognizing successful performance can motivate people. Identifying performance gaps and how to improve them can help improve performance. As well as identifying learning and development needs and finding ways to satisfy them, can be helpful in determining the means to satisfy them.
In a large call center, here are some comments made by team leaders on performance reviews:
The structure helps you see where you are heading. The areas you need to focus on are agreed upon. The discussion is two-way. Together with your line manager, you must set these objectives. Getting instructions isn’t enough. Your next six months are spent determining which objectives you want to focus on. Your own future becomes more significant when you take responsibility for it.
The time you spend with your manager is quality time. The working environment makes it very difficult to get that time.
I have found that most of my employees enjoy the performance review process. Having an idea of where they are heading and how they are doing is extremely valuable to them. They don’t like it because they want to do as little as possible.’
Feedback is appreciated by people. It is imperative for them to know how they are doing. Discussions about their development are popular with them. They want to know how they can improve even if they aren’t performing up to standard.
When you sit down with a member of staff who isn’t performing well and discuss it, they initially say: “Well, I don’t know about that.” But when you give those particular instances and talk it through, at the end of it they do say: “You’re right, I did do that.” It helps them reflect positively on the negative aspects of their work as well.
Communication is what my staff gets out of it. For once, someone is listening to what they have to say! ’
The process of managing performance includes formal review meetings. The purpose of performance reviews is to provide feedback, to hear from employees about their jobs, and to plan for improvements in performance or activities. Photo Credit – Pexels