When we allow fear to rule us, it will only do so. Therefore, how to control fear and anxiety? The majority of times, we have the option of activating or deactivating it. No matter how strong the impulse to run is, we still have the choice to run or not. Other than entering the inferno to save people, how does the firefighter save people?
What is the procedure for giving lifeboats to other passengers aboard a ship? In spite of their anxiety too, how do the anxious still speak out? It may seem impossible to choose to be more brave rather than fearful, but eventually we will all become masters of our impulses.
Upon accepting that we can control our impulses by conditioning our thoughts, and that we alone are responsible for our feelings and reactions, a great maturity opens in the human psyche. Often, fear is a response to actual threats, but it can also be caused by imagined threats. The natural reaction to some situations is fear, but when it is excessive or out of proportion to the threat, it can lead to distress and disruption.
We keep choosing fear over our other impulses to be strong or bold or great because it is more tough to accept, but nonetheless true. She is letting her fear of her own worth avert her from applying for jobs even though she wants to work again. There is that employee who feels fearful of asking for a raise even though she deserves one. The young man fears what his friends might say about his decision to try out for a musical. Sometimes, we have to pay heavy cost of fear.
Obese people are too embarrassed to enter gyms even though their lives and health are on the line. Any time fear wins, most adults understand that they are making a choice. If you ask an honest person, “Did you know you were acting from fear when you stopped being yourself or working towards something you wanted?
Honest people will answer, “Yes.”. At that moment, I knew I had the opportunity to speak up for myself. Nevertheless, I was frightened. It was easy for me to choose the easy route because I didn’t want to be judged or hurt.”
It is because of aversion rather than ascension that we do not feel free, if we do not truly express our full personality, if we do not pursue our true desires. We must fight for our freedom in life against the fearful urges that destroy it.