Ripped apart by time the memories of the past remain, but the essence of them has been altered. The happiness, grief, and feelings that once filled the space have faded, leaving only a hint of what was. But, in the quiet, the memory remains, a reminder of what was.
We lack vitality because we are automatically or obsessively thinking about the past or future at the expense of fully living in the present. A day’s worth of life cannot be sensed a day in advance. In order to live in the present, we must learn to let go of our habits of nostalgia and absurd projections. The first step is to let go of the past. The past or the days before are of little use if we think about them. It is best to let go of the past completely unless we are looking for its lessons that may help us in the present.
Our joy and freedom in the moment are severely affected by everything else. I find this work challenging. It has become common for people to obsess over their past, either wishing for it to return or blaming it for their frustrations today. Their identity is nothing more than a glorified or terrorized mental reflection, which prevents them from being spontaneous. The hallmark of a free person is impulsiveness, and no one can truly be liberated at the moment if they are trapped in the past–positively or negatively. However, there are some who will say that yesterday was better than today.

I’d rather remember my glory days and the person I once was than confront the person I am now. A person who has resigned their personal power makes this statement. As a result, they have become a collection of walking memories rather than a mission-driven individual. Having been trapped in a continuous memory that prevents them from progressing in real life, they are now weak-willed and unaspiring. A suggestive myth will continue to exist unless they discover that the only way out of the past lies in the day before them.
The new mental discipline of bringing their focus back to the moment will bring them motivation and glory once more. The only thing that can help them refocus on Now is a negative circumstance — a disaster or severe need might force them to refocus on Now without such conscious ambition and attention. They should choose to reengage with their current life because it will make them happy and alive once again, preventing such jarring from occurring.
Take note of what exactly made us happy if we revisit the past for a brief but joyful reminiscence. As we look back, we will realize that happiness came from moments in which we were fully present. Numerous things were happening, and we observed them with awe or appreciation; beauty, surprise, pleasure, passion, fun, love, and peace, perhaps all at once. In an instant, everything became clear to me.
Things that were meaningless faded away and things that were meaningful enlarged and grabbed our attention. There was a sense of authenticity and freshness to the experience. It was as if the moment was one with itself. Because we become alert and connected to something positive, we are able to recall it so easily. Rejoicing good memories is a good idea. It’s important to remember, though, that even in a happy house, a positive past can interfere with our day’s activities.
It is important that we do not drift too long in our minds and miss those things that are right in front of us right now. It was the awareness of the moment that made us happy. That’s imperative to remember. Come back to Now with full vibrancy by using this knowledge as a life practice. People often say, “I hate the past.” when they think of the past. Today I am experiencing all kinds of problems because of it.
Sneering and pointing their fingers backward are their obsessive energies. Despite not wanting to think about the past, they do so because they have mentally bound resentment around old situations. It doesn’t matter how much time passes or how much the world changes, they are still bitter about an old upset, scared of an old fear, and victims of an old situation. Now they are angry, whiny, or moralizing about regrets. People like these are very easy to become because our past has shaped us so much. However, we must not do so. There is no need to rummage through the dustbin of history for dirt or carnage from yesterday.